The Eagles Have Landed And Are Nesting in the Millennium Reserve

It has been confirmed; the eagles have taken up residence in a nest at Whitford Pond near the proposed CPD Firing Range. 

When the SETF and other conservation groups first appeared before the Metropolitan Water Reclamation Department in 2010, we asked that a four-season wildlife study be done of the property.  As residents, we were most familiar with the local landscape and understood how the wildlife utilized the fragmented parcels of property. and how integral that isolated parcel was because of the ponds.  MWRD as property owners agreed to allow for a study.  We then appealed to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources,  who finally agreed to grant us a two day study, that proved to be too cursory to substantiate much.

We are hopeful that with the siting of the eagles, CPD and the Mayor will reconsider locating the range elsewhere and allow the eagles to propagate within the Millennium Reserve whose purpose is to preserve open space and wildlife habitat for future generations.

Go here to hear an interview with Carolyn Marsh, a member of SETF and Chicago Audubon and to see some great video footage of the birds:

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