Southeast Side Rallies Against More Dirty Industry

On Saturday, November 19th, members of the Southeastside Environmental Justice Alliance rallied with residents and consumers against the proposed Coal Gasification Plant. The plant, which will cost 3 billion dollars plus to construct, will chemically process coal and pet coke into syngas, and produce tons of the greenhouse gas, CO2 that will have to be sequestered underground. Not all CO2 or other emissions will be captured, and other hazardous pollutants that cannot be extracted for profit will be captured and disposed of accordingly. By comparison, using natural gas is cheaper and less polluting.

Tired of polluting, smelly, and dirty industry, residents spoke out against the project asking instead for greener industries and job opportunities.

After brief statements from representatives of the Southeast Environmental Task Force, Green Seed Energy, the Juan Diego Center, the Blue-Green Alliance, the People for Community Recovery and the Eastside Methodist Church, participants marched up and down Avenue 0 welding signs to call attention to the issue. Many drivers passing by honked their horns in empathy.

For additional stories go here about rally and gasifcation plants:

and here:
and here:

Linda Ruxton, resident and member of the Southeast Environmental Task Force constructs sign.
Posting signs along Avenue O.

Allison Fisher and Mike Star make a statement.

Pastor Zaki of the Eastside Methodist Church reminds residents that they should have a voice in their community.

“We want clean air, we want clean industy, we want new technology,’ states Cheryl Johnson of People for Community Recovery.

Peggy Salazar of the Southeast Environmental Task Force.

Tom Conway of the Blue Green Alliance

Getting ready to march.
Rally particpants march along Avenue O.

Marchers enthusiastically display their signs.