
Green Economic Industrial Corridor (GEIC)


The mission of the Green Economic Industrial Corridor is to bring revitalization to the Calumet Region through redevelopment that addresses the past and ensures the future for its residents. This revitalization will provide job creation and business opportunities while improving the environmental health and safety of the region and serving as a showcase for sustainable development. 


The Brundtland Commission definition of sustainable development is “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”


GEIC will develop strategies, plans and projects that help to accomplish the following:

  • The highest and best redevelopment of abandoned and underutilized brownfield sites
  • Availability of business training and sweat equity/bootstrap financing for community investment in local businesses, including start ups.
  • Availability of job training for community residents with an interest in sustainable jobs. Preference for local hiring of current community residents.
  • Foster local businesses and attract outside businesses that adhere to established standards of excellence for sustainability.
  • Ensure adherence to the Environmental Justice Principles of the Environmental Justice Alliance.
  • Maximize intermodal capability to manage highway, rail, and water accessibility in such a way as to minimize the environmental burden imposed from transportation of goods.
  • Redevelop area infrastructure to reduce energy and resource demand and create locally produced energy and transportation fuels and people and maximize their local use.
  • Reduce, reuse and recycle local land and resources currently being wasted
  • Respect the unique nature of the Calumet Region in a manner that preserves, protects and enhances natural areas as a right of future generations.
  • Support healthy communities.
  • Make the area a showcase of sustainability at the gateway to the City and to the State.

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 Design Principles

Calumet Vision Plan - Overview of the Lake Calumet area, showing green spaces and polluted places. Part of our mission is to conserve the green space, help to enhance recreational uses of our open spaces, and to encourage cleaning up of past environmental misdeeds.
Calumet Vision Plan – Overview of the Lake Calumet area, showing green spaces and polluted places. Part of our mission is to conserve the green space, help to enhance recreational uses of our open spaces, and to encourage cleaning up of past environmental misdeeds.

The Green Economic Industrial Corridor redevelopment plan was guided by a number of previous plans (Calumet Area Land Use Plan, Calumet Open Space Reserve, Calumet Design Guidelines, Go To 2040) as well as a set of community generated redevelopment principles. It aims to integrate industry, natural areas and community harmoniously and to shape a sustainable future rather than react to ongoing development trends. These principles link land-use, planning, investment, job creation and community.

Our local level initiative will support regional initiatives and an internationally competitive economy.

Integration into Natural Systems

  • Design within limits defined by surrounding environment
  • Minimize local environmental impacts
  • Minimize global environmental impacts
  • Compliment surrounding natural systems


  • Generate Renewable energy where possible
  • Maximize energy efficiency
    • Through facility design
    • Co-generation
    • Energy cascading
  • Use renewables extensively


  • Use Water efficiently
  • Prevent runoff into nearby water bodies
  • Employ natural storm water control where possible
  • Prevent groundwater contamination
  • Use permeable pavement where possible
  • Rehab wetlands

Material Flow/Waste

  • Emphasis clean production and pollution prevention
  • Employ cradle to cradle manufacturing practices
  • Seek maximum re-use and recycling of materials among corridor facilities

Land Use

  • Practice infill principles
  • Utilize existing brownfields
  • Prevent contamination
  • Stay within footprint of defined industrial corridor
  • Provide for green buffer zones along corridor

Construction / Rehabilitation

  • Follow best environmental practices in materials selection and building technologies
  • Include recycled and reused materials
  • Consideration of lifecycle environmental implications of materials and technologies
  • Employ LEED certified construction practices
  • Maximize use of existing infrastructure.

Green Space

  • Integrate green space within EID (pocket parks, rec spaces, etc.)
  • Use native landscaping
  • Promote biodiversity


  • Public transit accessibility
  • Walkability and bikeability
  • Support renewable energy vehicles
  • Provide charging stations


  • Hire locally
  • Provide specific training
  • Community friendly – no detrimental burdens on community
  • Aesthetically pleasing to the community
  • Enhance quality of life for surrounding areas
  • Provide additional amenities
  • Promote livable communities
  • Support a healthy environment

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